Odds Converter

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Fraction Decimal American Implied Probability (%)


Our odds converter tool can help you convert fraction odds to decimals and vice versa. We’ve also used our betting knowledge to help you understand how this works and will explain how to do this without the tool.

How to Convert Fraction Odds to Decimals

Convert a fraction odd into a decimal odd by dividing the first number (the numerator), by the second number (the denominator), and adding 1. Equation: (numerator/denominator) + 1 = decimal odds Example: 6/5 is equal to 2.20. Divide 6 by 5. This equals 1.20. Add 1, and you had the decimal 2.20.

How To Convert Decimal Odds To Fractional

There are two steps to convert decimal odds into a fraction. Step 1) Convert decimals odds into a fraction by subtracting 1, and using 1 as the denominator. Example: 3.40 – 1 = 2.40.  This creates the decimal odds of 2.40/1. While this is a perfectly good fraction, bookmakers never use numbers with decimal points in fractionals. That is why we need step two. Step 2) We now need to turn this fraction into its most simple form. Find the nearest whole integer (i.e. no decimal place). The factor to which you need to multiply the numerator to the whole integer is reflected in the denominator. Example: You need to multiply 2.40 by 5 before it becomes a rounded number, 12. Therefore the fraction becomes 12/5. (2.40 x 2 = 4.802.40 x 3 = 7.20, 2.40 * 4 = 9.60, 2.40 * 5 = 12)

How To Convert American Odds To Decimal

To convert American odds into decimals might seem like a tricky concept, but you’ll be pleased to hear that we found the process relatively simple. Below, you’ll find a couple of examples for converting American odds into decimals.

Positive American Odds To Decimal

For positive American odds, you’ll have to divide the money line by 100, before adding 1. Below, you’ll see an example of this process.
  • American Odds of +250.
  • 250/100 = 2.50
  • 2.50 + 1.00 = 3.50

Negative American Odds To Decimal

For negative American odds, you should disregard the negative symbol in front of the odds for calculating it into a decimal. You’ll need to divide 100 by the American odds, before adding 1.
  • American Odds of -130.
  • 100/130 = 0.76
  • 0.76 + 1.00 = 1.76

How to Work Out Implied Probability From Fractional Odds

Divide the second number (denominator) by the total of the first number (numerator) and second number (denominator). Equation:  Denominator / (numerator+ denominator ) * 100 = implied probability Example: 4/1 implied probability can be calculated as 1 / (4+1) * 100 = 20%

How to Work Out Implied Probability From Decimal Odds

Divide 1 by the decimal, and multiply it by 100%. Equation:  (1/ decimal odds) * 100 = implied probability Example: 1 /4.00 * 100 = 25% Find other bet calculators and interesting offers, like the bet365 bonus code, on mybettingsites.co.uk

Odds Conversion Table

Fraction Decimal American Implied Probability
1/5 1.20 -500 83.3%
2/9 1.22 -450 81.8%
1/4 1.25 -400 80%
2/7 1.29 -350 77.8%
3/10 1.30 -333.3 76.9%
1/3 1.33 -300 75%
4/11 1.36 -275 73.3%
2/5 1.40 -250 71.40%
4/9 1.44 -225 69.2%
1/2 1.5 -200 66.7%
8/15 1.53 -188 65.2%
4/7 1.57 -175 63.6%
8/13 1.62 -162 61.9%
4/6 1.67 -150 60%
8/11 1.73 -137 57.9%
4/5 1.80 -125 55.6%
5/6 1.83 -120 54.5%
10/11 1.45 -220 68.8%
Evens 2.00 100 50%
11/10 2.10 110 47.6%
6/5 2.20 120 45.5%
5/4 2.25 125 44.4%
11/8 2.38 138 42.1%
7/5 2.40 140 41.7%
6/4 2.50 150 40%
8/5 2.60 160 38.5%
13/8 2.63 163 38.1%
7/4 2.75 175 36.4%
9/5 2.80 180 35.7%
15/8 2.88 188 34.8%
2/1 3.00 200 33.3%
11/5 3.20 220 31.3%
9/4 3.25 225 30.8%
12/5 3.40 240 29.4%
5/2 3.50 250 28.6%
13/5 3.50 250 28.6%
11/4 3.75 275 26.7%
3/1 4.00 300 25%
10/3 4.33 333 23.1%
7/2 4.50 350 22.2%
4/1 5.00 400 20%
9/2 5.50 450 18.2%
5/1 6.00 500 16.7%
11/2 6.50 550 15.4%
6/1 7.00 600 14.3%
13/2 7.50 650 13.3%
7/1 8.00 700 12.5%
15/2 8.50 750 11.8%
8/1 9.00 800 11.1%
17/2 9.50 850 10.5%
9/1 10.00 900 10%
10/1 11.00 1000 9.1%
11/1 12.00 1100 8.3%
12/1 13.00 1200 7.7%
13/1 14.00 1300 7.1%
14/1 15.00 1400 6.7%
15/1 16.00 1500 6.3%
16/1 17.00 1600 5.9%
18/1 19.00 1800 5.3%
20/1 21.00 2000 4.8%
25/1 26.00 2500 3.8%
33/1 34.00 3300 2.9%
100/1 101.00 10000 1%

FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions about Odds Converting

How do use our Odds Converter?

After entering the type of odds your dealing with (fractional, decimal, American or implied probability) and the other corresponding bet types will be instantly and accurately calculated.

What are the advantages of using the Odds Converter?

Using the Odd Converter can allow you to relate to any odds you find on any betting site by converting it to the odd type you are familiar with. For example, if you use a specific betting site and realise they use fractional odds, you can convert those odds on this page to suit your betting style.

On which sports can I use Odds Conversion?

Odds Conversion applies to all sports, events and markets.

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