Ahead of the 2025 Cheltenham Festival, we have analysed over 1,200 accommodation listings on Booking.com & Airbnb to determine how much higher accommodation prices are during the festival compared to the week before and after.
According to the results of the analysis:
- A 5-night Cheltenham stay (10th of March to 15th of March 2025) on Booking.com costs on average £3,287.91, which is 204.15% more than the week before the festival.
- A 5-night Cheltenham stay on Airbnb costs on average £1,717.36, which is 191.44% more the week before the festival.
- When Booking.com & Airbnb data are combined together, an average 5-nights Cheltenham stay costs £2,502.63 which is 199.66% more than the week prior.
You can see the prices in detail in the graphic below:
- In total, 1,230 Airbnb & Booking.com accommodation listings in Cheltenham were collected for the purpose of the 2025 analysis
- The dates were pre-set to 10th of March to 15th of March 2025, which was then compared to average prices of 5-night stays on the same days of the week in the weeks before and after the Cheltenham Festival (3-8 March & 17-22 March)
- The accommodation search was pre-set for 2 adults